Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Elena Volobuyeva

Elena Volobuyeva
Stavropol State University, Department of romanian-germany languages, chair of intercultural communications, senior professor.

One could hardly imagine today’s world without advertising. It is everywhere. That’s why advertisement today is investigated in the framework of many special disciplines. Advertisement discourse is interesting from the point of view, that it is oriented on the initiating of the message receiver for the post –communicative activity that includes buying of goods and services. At the same time advertisement discourse reflects all the dynamic changes going on in the contemporary society. Moreover in most cases advertisement discourse presents the case of intermodule integration. The addressee using the principal of cooperation should accumulate the information both from verbal and non-verbal parts of advertising. Getting the information one brings it together with our previous knowledge and experience and according to this we activate particular cognitive frames. In other case the right interpretation of the information is apt to fail. This fact is quite important for international advertising, that often underestimate the absence of particular basic cultural knowledge (cultural presuppositions) of the receiver. The difficulties arise from the fact that the majority of cultural presuppositions exist in unconscious form of the advertising creator (he is a member of particular culture) and are taken by him for granted.
The goal of our project is to investigate the functioning of cultural presuppositions in American advertisement discourse. As the basic methods will be used observation, systematic description, deduction, induction semantic and pragmatic analysis, empirical research, goal-seeking readout and description.